Endowment Fund

Please contact Rabbi Peretz Scheinerman for endowment opportunities
Retirement Plans / Wills / Bequests
There could be no better way to support Jewish Education than by leaving a legacy gift for Providence Hebrew Day School. Many of these types of gifts enable you to avoid income and estate taxes. You can simply add the following language below, or add the school as a beneficiary of your retirement plan. Your gift to Jewish education is a gift to Jewish survival. It leaves a legacy of your commitment to Jewish education to the entire community.
Sample bequest language:
“I give, devise and bequeath to the Providence Hebrew Day School, a Rhode Island charitable corporation, the sum of $___________ / % of my estate (or a decryption of a specific asset) for the benefit of Providence Hebrew Day School or its general purposes".
Please contact Rabbi Peretz Scheinerman for endowment opportunities (above)
Charitable Gift Annuity (CGA)
This type of fund is for those who seek guaranteed income for life while also leaving a charitable legacy. By establishing a CGA fund, you receive a monthly distribution at a high rate of return based on age, and you also receive a charitable tax deduction. The remaining funds are used to perpetuate a gift to the school for the many years to come. To set up a Charitable Gift Annuity please contact Rabbi Peretz Scheinerman, Dean at 401-331-5327 #21 or [email protected].
The Providence Hebrew Day School Endowment Fund is managed by the Jewish Alliance of Rhode Island. While investments decreased for the fiscal year 2009, this year has been a good year for the PHDS Endowment Fund, with excellent returns. A gift to the Endowment Fund is an excellent way to perpetuate the memory of a loved one and to guarantee the ongoing financial success of the school.
Join the enclosed list of donors who have opened Endowment Funds at the Providence Hebrew Day School.
Pessel Hassenfeld Memorial Fund
Merrill Hassenfeld Fund
Jack & Gertrude Hassenfeld Fund
David Hassenfeld Fund
Benjamin Grossman Memorial Fund
Bernard & Samuel Green Fund
Sigmun & Sylvia Grebstein Fund
Louis Edith Granoff Fund
Ira & Anna Galkin Fund
Moshie & Minnie Gordon Fund
Dr. Julius & Matilda Irving Fund
Harry & Bhyman Goldstein Fund
Shirley Aronsom Goldberg Fund
Morris & Ester Gold Memorial Fund
Estate of Philip Glanzman Fund
Samuel & Bernice Gerstein Fund
Rose & Benjamin Gershman Fund
Sadye & Samuel Gereboff Fund
Sally & Morris Gastfreund Fund
Alperin & Hirsch Family Fund
Harry, Ida, & Sidney Gourse Fund
Kopech Family Fund
Jacob & Iris Marks Fund
Irving M. & Blanche Marks Fund
Estate of Ruth Markoff Fund
Bessie Sholes Lipson In Memory
Hyman & Bertha Lipshitz Memorial Fund
Abraham Lider Fund
Frank & Rose Lazarus Fund
Dr. & Mrs. Leonard Labush Elem
Rose & George Kroll Fund
Andrew & Fredda Heyman Fund
Rabbi Baruck Korff Learning Center Fund
Saul Alexander Hirschfield Fund
William & Gussie & Dr. Kolodney Fund
Sol & Lillian Koffler Fund
Max & Muriel Kerzner Fund
Keller In Memory of Rev & Mrs. Keller
Dr. & Mrs. Morris Keller Fund
Rabbi & Mrs. Philip Kaplan Fund
Dr. Irving & Kay Kaplan Fund
Harriet & Samuel Isaacson Fund
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Galkin Memorial Fund
Korn Family Fund
Jeffrey Berman Memorial Fund
Jesse & Sylvia Bromley Fund
Sylvia L. Bromberg Memorial Fund
Benjamin & Flora Bromberg Fund
Max Brodsky Memorial Fund
Isaac & Anna Brodsky Memorial Fund
Esmond & Lean Borod Memorial Fund
Harry Bornstein Memorial Fund
Rabbi & Mrs. Bohnen Fund
Kalman & Mina Gastfreund Memorial Fund
Samuel & Gladys Berman Fund
Nathan & Sarah Cohen Fund
Esther Raiff Berman Memorial Fund
Siegmond & Rose Berger Memorial Fund
Harold & Rose Bellin Fund
Estate of Bessie B. Baris Fund
Sarah Bader Memorial Fund
Marilyn S. Aron Memorial Fund
Francine E. Aron Memorial Fund
Mel Altabe Memorial Fund
Hyman & Jean Blasbalg Fund
Dressler Family Fund
Beatrice & Morris Frank Fund
Morris & Helen Fishbein Fund
Louis & Sarah Fishbein Fund
Dr. Joseph & Selma Fishbein Fund
Dr. Jay Fishbein Fund
Jacob & Sadie Felder Fund
Norman Fain Family Fund
Dr. Harry Elkin Memorial Fund
Gita Eides Fund
Charles & Eugenie Cohen Fund
Joseph & Paula Dubin Memorial Fund
Ellen & Rabbi Nachman Cohen
Mrs. Bertha Drazin Fund
Diamond & Gottesman Fund
Nathan Darachinsky Fund
Matthew & Frances Curran Fund
Connis & Cramer Fund
Congregation Sons of Jacob Hebrew Academy
Congregation Beth David of Narragansett
Samuel & Rose Cohen Fund
Irma & Louis Nass Fund
Milton & Robert Dwares Memorial Fund
Joseph & Leba Zelinker Fund
Rafael Estrin Fund
Raymond Eichenbaum Fund
Jerome & Gertrude Diwinsky Fund
Martin & Pearl Curran Fund
Anthony Capelli Fund
Elliott Brown Fund
Mr. & Mrs. Carl Brauner Fund
Joseph Bloomfield Fund
Morton Marks Fund
Arnold & Rose Abrams Memorial Fund
Jay Garon Fund
Josheph & Beulah Wuraftic Fund
Pearl & Eli Winkler Fund
Manfred & Jeanne Weil Fund
Nathan Waldman Family Fund
Charles & Pauline Vogel Fund
Harry & Mary Tolman Memorial Fund
Helen N. Tenenbaum Fund
Nathan Y Temkin Memorial Fund
Saul & Mildred Tarlow Fund
Archie & Anna Baker Memorial Fund
Charles Marks Fund
Joshua Pearlman Memorial Fund
Philip Mandel Fund
David & Esta Yavner Fund
Jennett Winkleman Fund
Jack & David Wilkes Fund
Sanford Trachtenberg Fund
Irving Solish Fund
Gus & Ina Schlessinger Fund
Joseph & Esia Farber Fund
Ida & Benjamin Newman Fund
J. Ronald Fishbein Fund
George Labush Fund
Margaret Kosfsky Fund
Marvin S. Kerzner Fund
Etta & Louis Kerzner Fund
Dr. Milton Hodosh Fund
Lewis M. Graboys Fund
Louis & Phyllis Goldstein Fund
Abe & Lillian Goldstein Fund
Ethel & Irving Jacob Swade Fund
Dr. Eli Nochimow Fund
Thelma Salmanson Rodbell Fund
Harry & Rena Tanenbaum Fund
Celia & Irving Schmuger Fund
Estate of Lola Schafranik Fund
Louis Sandler Memorial Fund
Isadore & Sophie Samdperil Family Fund
Mr. & Mrs. Gabriel Samdperil Fund
Leonard I. Salmanson Memorial Fund
Sherwood H. Sadwin Memorial Fund
Rabbi & Mrs. I. Rubinstein Fund
Dr. Isidore Segal Fund
Samuel Rosen Family Fund
Ida & Philip Seidman Fund
Esther & Sol L. Resnik Fund
Ruth & Irving Peskin Fund
Abraham & Natalie Percelay Fund
Samuel & Sadie Pepper Fund
Israel & Ida Pearlman Fund
Ann Brenda Pearlman Fund
Hyman & Grace Parness Fund
Clara & Henry Oelbaum Memorial Fund
PHDS General Fund
Daniel Rubino Fund
Sonya Smith Memorial Fund
Israel Medoff Memorial Fund
Max & Estelle Sugarman Memorial Fund
Led & William Strong Fund
Goldie & Hyman & Dr. Stone Fund
Golde & Hyman B. Stone Fund
Abraham & Minnie Sternbach Fund
David Steingold Athletic Fund
Joyce & Robert Starr Fund
Simon & Jeanette Spindell Memorial Fund
Prof. & Mrs. William Schwartz Fund
Edwin & Miriam Soforenko Fund
Sydney Family Fund
Rev. Meyer & Annie Smith Fund
Archie Smith Fund
Edward Silverman & Hershelle Fund
Rabbi Morris & Rebetzin Silk Fund
Morris B. & Nellie Sholes Fund
Leonard & Anna Sholes Fund
Samuel & Irene Shlevin Fund
Simon & Carrie Shatkin Memorial Fund
David & Jennie Shapiro Memorial Fund
Harold B. Solovetizik Fund