
Enrolling Your Child
We welcome your interest in Providence Hebrew Day School and strive to make the admissions process as easy as possible. Here's an outline of the process:
- Parents make an appointment to visit Providence Hebrew Day School and are interviewed by a member (or members) of the administration. Potential students are also offered the opportunity to spend a day at the school.
- Parents then complete a registration application, which includes all relevant records from previous schools. A registration fee must accompany the application. Upon acceptance to the school, this check is cashed.
- Upon acceptance, parents are required to sign the school’s contract agreeing to abide by the school’s principles and ideals.
- Once all parental financial obligations have been satisfied, students are officially admitted to the school.
GRADE | REGISTRATION (Books and Materials) | 2023-24 TUITION |
Pre-K (Half Day – 5 days) | $300 | $ 5,750 |
Pre-K (Half Day – 3 days) | $180 | $ 3,625 |
Pre-K afternoon (5 days) | $300 | $ 3,700 |
Kindergarten | $600 | $ 19,850 |
Grades 1-4 | $600 | $ 20,750 |
Grades 5-8 | $600 | $ 21,575 |
Grades 9-12 NEAT (Girls) | $600 | $ 22,125 |
- Any child registered for school by the pre-registration deadline will receive a discount of $100 from the tuition listed above.
- If your family is receiving financial aid, we ask you to consult your rav (rabbinic authority) regarding making an additional charitable contribution to the school from your ma’aser (charity) funds.
If you have any questions concerning these matters, please call the Financial Office at (401) 331-5327 ext. 11.
In order to provide the necessary funding for the school, each PHDS/NEAT family has a Family Fundraising obligation of $1,800 each year. The obligation for families who have only Pre-K children enrolled is $900. The $1800 (or $900) Family Fundraising obligation can be met in the following ways:
- the sale and/or purchase of Scholarship Raffle tickets
- the sale and/or purchase of Amudim journal advertisements
- the sale and/or purchase of Prize is Right auction tickets above $100
- donations made to or solicited for the Scholarship Fund
If a family raises more than the required amount, the additional amount may be credited towards next year’s obligation, or 25% of the additional amount may be credited towards the family’s tuition payment. A family may not carry over more than $5,000 from one fiscal year to the next fiscal year. In addition, a family may not take a credit towards tuition of more than $250 per child in any fiscal year.
There is a $700 Give and Get obligation can be met in the following ways:
- volunteer opportunities, such as substituting for the school, time spent preparing for Prize is Right or other fundraisers
- 5% of Stop and Shop gift card purchases
- donations made to or solicited for the Scholarship Fund
More information regarding Give and Get volunteer options will be sent out over the summer. Please note: In order to properly credit your account, any check written to the school must include the appropriate notation in the “MEMO” space on the check. On July 3, the school will bill parents for any balance on their Family Fundraising and/or Give and Get obligations.
Financial Aid
Providence Hebrew Day School remains firmly committed to the principle that every Jewish child, regardless of a family’s finances, is entitled to an excellent Jewish education. To that end the school established a Scholarship Fund to provide financial aid to needy families. Funding applications are made to FACTS Tuition Management Systems, an objective professional company that reviews applicants’ detailed financial records and recommends an appropriate tuition fee. Our scholarship committee then makes the final financial aid decision and issues a school contract. To assure maximum confidentiality, this committee is chaired by a person from outside the Orthodox community. If you have any questions in regard to financial aid or tuition, please contact Rabbi Peretz Scheinerman at 401-331-5327 #21 or by email.